A Level Computer Science
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine. - Alan Turing
Computer Science at Advanced GCE provides students with the problem-solving skills required in everyday life as well as preparation for degree courses in Computer Science, Mathematics, Software Engineering, GIS, Economics and many other subject areas. The Computer Science job market is one of the most lucrative and fastest expanding area of employment in the UK with jobs that lead into robotics, artificial intelligence, big data processing, ethical hacking, game development or even teaching. It is challenging but rewarding and builds on the work completed at GCSE. The core principles of Computer Science are not new and are based on the work done by many great and famous computational minds. How we may apply these principles is very new, cutting edge and exciting.
Course Details
AQA: Advanced GCE Computer Science (7517)
The course is both theoretical and practical. The assessment is made up of one on-screen (40%) and one written examination (40%), and a non-examination assessment in the form of a project (20%).
Many of the concepts discussed and taught will be applied in algorithm design and applying these designs in a coded solution. There is time spent investigating, researching and gaining a real understanding of number systems, networking technologies, data structures, computer hardware and software and systems architecture. You will discover how a computer computes and what development is required to implement areas including artificial intelligence and modelling.