A Level Chemistry

“Every aspect of the world today – even politics and international relations – is affected by chemistry.” - Linus Pauling

A Level Chemistry builds on ideas studied at GCSE but goes much further, revealing some surprising and interesting simplifications taught at GCSE. A challenging yet very rewarding subject, it includes a great deal of practical work which develops a range of useful skills that can be applied well outside the subject discipline. As a result, it is a respected and useful qualification for higher education and employment in a variety of areas.

Course Details

OCR: A Advanced GCE Chemistry (H432)

Year 12

  • Module 1: Development of Practical Skills.
  • Module 2: Atomic structure, moles, acid base and redox reactions, structure and bonding.
  • Module 3: Periodic Table and energy.
  • Module 4: Core Organic Chemistry and analytical techniques.

Year 13

  • Module 5: Reaction rates, equilibria, pH and buffers, thermodynamics, redox and electrode potentials, transition metals.
  • Module 6: Aromatic compounds, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids, esters, nitrogen compounds, polymers, organic synthesis, chromatography and spectroscopy (nmr).