Sixth Form
The Sixth Form Experience at New Hall – Expanding Your Horizons
The Sixth Form experience at New Hall represents a significant and exciting time in your lives: a time to try new things, to embrace new challenges, to forge new friendships, and to set sights on new horizons. We pride ourselves upon the profound relationships we build with you and your parents or guardians, with the key tenets of care, trust, and respect at their core. The Sixth Form Team, working closely with your tutor to provide an open, enjoyable, and comprehensive support programme, will guide you as you make the step up to A Levels and look ahead towards a variety of rich and rewarding post-18 pathways.
I look forward to seeing you cultivate your unique talents in the supportive environment of our Sixth Form, making the most of academic and co-curricular opportunities and benefitting from the outstanding pastoral support we offer. We aim to prepare you not just for higher education, but also for life beyond: your experiences here will distinguish any application to university and shape your future. It will be my privilege to accompany you as you navigate the excitement and rigour of A Level study, and as you prepare for the wondrous challenges and opportunities of the wider world.
Mr Paul Goulding
Head of Sixth Form
Read more in our Sixth Form Subject Information Booklet below
Next Steps...
For any enquiries regarding admissions at New Hall School,
please contact our Admissions Team:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01245 236 098
Alternatively, to book your place on our next Open Day click the link below.