Physical Education
“I can only control my own performance. If I do my best than I am happy at the end of the day” - Michael Phelps
From Years 3-9, students follow a core PE curriculum that comprises: Health Related Fitness, Swimming, Athletics, Gymnastics, Dance, net and wall games (these include Tennis, Badminton, Handball and Volleyball), striking and fielding games (these include Cricket, Rounders and Softball) and invasion games (these include Basketball, Football, Olympic Handball and Dodgeball). At GCSE, Physical Education is an exciting and interesting subject to study. It reflects today’s global sporting issues and introduces students to the world of Sports Science and Sport, through a combination of physical performance and academic challenges. It also supports a coherent progression to A Level Physical Education and BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport.
Course Details
OCR GCSE Physical Education is divided into three components.
Component 1: Physical factors affecting performance:
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Physical training
Component 2: Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology:
- Socio-cultural influences
- Sports psychology
- Health, fitness and wellbeing
Component 3: Performance in physical education:
- Performance of three activities taken from the two approved lists. These can be found in ‘OCR GCSE (9–1) guide to NEA in PE’
Component 4: Analysis and evaluation of performance