
"Theatre is a poetry that rises from the book and becomes human enough to talk and shout, weep and despair" - Federico García Lorca

Drama is a curriculum subject for all students from Years 5 to 9. At GCSE, Drama encourages students to both understand and enjoy theatre. It provides fantastic opportunities to grow in confidence and to develop and strengthen both performance-related skills and devising techniques. Students will understand the roles of actor, designer and director in creating theatre, consider ways of communicating ideas and feelings to an audience and develop material of their own. In doing so they will lean hard on each other and grow in interpersonal skills such as communication, collaboration and cooperation. They will explore a range of social and cultural issues enabling them to understand other peoples’ situations and views on life as well as interpret and perform work and text.

Course Details


The Eduqas GCSE in Drama is an exciting, inspiring and practical course. The specification promotes involvement in and enjoyment of Drama, as performers or designers. It provides
opportunity to attend live theatre and to develop skills as informed and thoughtful audience members. Learners will investigate a practitioner or genre of drama, work collaboratively to develop ideas to communicate meaning and experiment with dramatic conventions. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the performance of an extract from a published play.

Component 1 – Devising Theatre
Learners participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of devised theatre using the techniques of a theatre practitioner or a genre. They realise their piece, produce a portfolio of supporting evidence and evaluate their final performance or design.

Component 2 – Performing from a Text
Learners are assessed on either acting or design. They study two extracts from the same performance text and perform sections of text from both extracts.

Component 3 – Interpreting Theatre
Section A includes a series of questions on one set text, studied during the two years of the course. Section B includes one question from a choice of two on a live theatre production seen during the


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12:49 PM - 05 Aug 2024
We celebrated another wonderful year of friendship and hospitality in the New Hall Voluntary Service with an afternoon Strawberry Tea for all of our lunch guests and volunteers, featuring performances from our Nursery, Prep choir, student band and dancers. We hope our guests are keeping well this summer and we are looking forward to seeing them next month 🌞💞 #volunteering #voluntaryservice #newhallschool #independentschool #afternoontea