

Please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions team if you have any questions. Contact Us


New Hall School, The Avenue, Boreham, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 3HS


01245 236 098

Bursaries and Scholarships

New Hall School offers scholarships and awards at Year 5, Year 7, Year 9 and Sixth Form, which confer a number of benefits and responsibilities. The School celebrates the honour of all achievements.

Students who win scholarships or awards gain an important benefit in terms of public recognition, as well as university/apprenticeship/job applications and references. The financial value of scholarships normally ranges from £250pa to £5,000pa.

Explore some of our scholarships by clicking the relevant tiles below. Please follow the link below for our Bursaries and Scholarships Policy for 2025 entry, which contains all up-to-date information.

Music Scholarships & Awards

Music Scholarships & Awards

Sport Scholarships & Awards

Sport Scholarships & Awards

Catholic & Diocesan Scholarships

Catholic & Diocesan Scholarships

Armed Forces Award

Armed Forces Award

Most Able and Talented & Academic Scholarships

Most Able and Talented & Academic Scholarships

All-Rounder Scholarships

All-Rounder Scholarships