The Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme at New Hall School is designed to support students in developing the skills, knowledge and experience that will enable them to make informed decisions about their future career options. Students learn about the different educational routes available to them, the range of occupations and sectors that make up the labour market and consider how they will manage their own career in the rapidly changing world of work.
We provide a comprehensive and up to date programme designed to develop the six career management skills that people need to have a positive career, as defined by the Career Development Institute (CDI). This is achieved through the delivery of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks recommended by the Department for Education. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework for world class careers provision based on significant international research.
For more information go to:
Core Programme
The core programme of study is delivered through the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) lessons, supported by a programme of co-curricular activities, work experience, visits to higher education establishments, visiting speakers and an annual Careers Convention held in School. Subject teachers also link the curriculum to careers to highlight the relevance of their subject to a wide range of future career paths.
For more information, please click here to read the CEIAG policy.
A summary of the programme can be found here.
All students have access to Unifrog, an online careers platform. Unifrog includes access to the Careers and Subjects Libraries where students can research careers or university subjects they are interested in or are related to their favourite school subjects. They can also complete a range of skills and personality profiles to develop their self-awareness.
Careers Team
All staff at New Hall School play a large part in preparing our students for the future. The programme is planned, coordinated and evaluated by our Head of Careers, Mrs Julie Hilliker, and is overseen by the Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body.
Mrs Hilliker is a Registered Career Development Practitioner and is available to provide one to one advice and guidance to students at key transition points. The Careers Office is open to all students during break, lunchtime and after school.
Measuring Impact
The CEIAG Programme is evaluated on an annual basis through an online student survey and analysis of destination data. Feedback is also collected from all key stakeholders after every event.
Post 14 Options
Post 14 Options
Post 14 Options
In Year 9 students choose their GCSE options. At New Hall School we invite all students and parents to a GCSE Options Evening. Students are then seen individually by a member of staff who can answer any questions they may have and ensure they feel confident in making the right choices.
These decisions are very important, and students are encouraged to think very carefully about the choices they make.
When making their choices, students should consider the following:
- Choose subjects they enjoy and are good at
- Try to choose a balance of subjects that will allow them to keep their future options open
- Seek advice from teachers, parents and the careers advisor
- Do not choose a subject because they like the teacher
- Do not choose a subject because their best friend is choosing it
- Do not choose a subject because it looks easy – they never are!
Go to Careers in the Curriculum to explore careers and skills related to the subjects.
For more information on Post 14 options click here.
Post 14 Options
Post 14 Options
In Year 9 students choose their GCSE options. At New Hall School we invite all students and parents to a GCSE Options Evening. Students are then seen individually by a member of staff who can answer any questions they may have and ensure they feel confident in making the right choices.
These decisions are very important, and students are encouraged to think very carefully about the choices they make.
When making their choices, students should consider the following:
- Choose subjects they enjoy and are good at
- Try to choose a balance of subjects that will allow them to keep their future options open
- Seek advice from teachers, parents and the careers advisor
- Do not choose a subject because they like the teacher
- Do not choose a subject because their best friend is choosing it
- Do not choose a subject because it looks easy – they never are!
Go to Careers in the Curriculum to explore careers and skills related to the subjects.
For more information on Post 14 options click here.
Post 16 Options
Post 16 Options
Post 16 Options
In Year 11 students spend time during their PSHEE lessons researching the wide range of post 16 options available to them and this is supported by a one-to-one guidance meeting with a CDI Registered Career Development Practitioner to ensure they receive impartial advice and guidance and choose the pathway that is right for them.
Students remaining at New Hall School Sixth Form have a wide range of A Levels to choose from. They meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss their choices and ensure all the necessary support is in place to transition smoothly to Year 12.
For more information on the full range of Post 16 options click here.
Post 16 Options
Post 16 Options
In Year 11 students spend time during their PSHEE lessons researching the wide range of post 16 options available to them and this is supported by a one-to-one guidance meeting with a CDI Registered Career Development Practitioner to ensure they receive impartial advice and guidance and choose the pathway that is right for them.
Students remaining at New Hall School Sixth Form have a wide range of A Levels to choose from. They meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss their choices and ensure all the necessary support is in place to transition smoothly to Year 12.
For more information on the full range of Post 16 options click here.
Post 18 Options
Post 18 Options
Post 18 Options
Sixth Form students at New Hall School can take part in a wide range of co-curricular activities to enrich their learning beyond the curriculum and prepare them for independent study and work. Students aspiring to Oxford and Cambridge take part in the Omega Programme, and students applying for competitive courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science receive dedicated support and guidance and are also encouraged to complete the Medic Mentor Programme.
Students who do not want to go to university but would like to undertake a higher or degree apprenticeship or go straight into work, can take part in the Apprenticeship Academy that runs after school twice per year.
For more information on the full range of Post 18 options click here.
Post 18 Options
Post 18 Options
Sixth Form students at New Hall School can take part in a wide range of co-curricular activities to enrich their learning beyond the curriculum and prepare them for independent study and work. Students aspiring to Oxford and Cambridge take part in the Omega Programme, and students applying for competitive courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science receive dedicated support and guidance and are also encouraged to complete the Medic Mentor Programme.
Students who do not want to go to university but would like to undertake a higher or degree apprenticeship or go straight into work, can take part in the Apprenticeship Academy that runs after school twice per year.
For more information on the full range of Post 18 options click here.
Careers in the Curriculum
At New Hall School all staff are committed to bringing their subject to life for our students. This enables them to develop a greater understanding of how the skills and knowledge they develop in lessons can lead to different career pathways. Some of the ways we do this are by:
- Inviting speakers into school
- Promoting employability skills during lessons such as teamwork, communication, and leadership
- Discussing careers in lessons so that students understand how their subjects lead to different careers
- Setting work related tasks to broaden students’ understanding of how their lessons link to the world of work
- Creating displays within each Department to promote career pathways and raise aspirations
To explore different careers related to subjects, explore the booklet below: