Boarding Activities

Boarders have out of hours access to our full range of facilities and resources, including the Fitness Suite, the Library, music practice rooms and outdoor recreational facilities. The boarding team plans weekday and weekend activities for each Boarding House. These have in the past included fun days in, shopping trips, adventure park trips and cultural activities such as museum, theatre and cinema trips. Boarders especially enjoy the advantages of supervised study time, with additional academic support from specialist staff.  A balance of study and leisure time enables boarding students to excel in their academic studies, to enjoy a wide range of activities and to develop their skills and characters, helping to lay the foundation for their success in the future.

It’s the out-of-classroom offer which is the reason why British education still stands up so strongly. As well as a focus on discipline, boarding schools offer outstanding opportunities for sport, music, drama, voluntary work and a host of other extra-curricular activities.

Malcolm Day - School Governor

Example activities booklet:

Hawley House


Hawley House

Petre House


Petre House

Dennett House


Dennett House

Campion House


Campion House

Next Steps...

For any enquiries regarding admissions at New Hall School,

please contact our Admissions Team:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01245 236 098

Alternatively, to book your place on our next Open Day click the link below.