
Those who have experienced boarding at New Hall School know that they have been part of something special. Each House has its own distinct character, staff tailor the experience to the needs of the children in their care and the children themselves have a significant input into how their Houses are run. All of the Boarding Houses at New Hall are part of the main building complex, therefore boarding is both literally and metaphorically at the heart of the School.

“The culture fostered by staff in the boarding houses actively encourages and promotes respect and inclusion.” – ISI inspection report, 2024

Our team of boarding staff is committed to providing a happy, settled and safe family environment for every child, where confidence, intellectual curiosity and independence are fostered. In joining one of our Boarding Houses, your son or daughter will have access to New Hall’s full range of facilities and resources, including additional academic support from specialist staff. This provides the platform for them to excel in their academic studies, to enjoy a wide range of activities and to develop the personal skills and characteristics essential for future success.

Boarding is often the bedrock for life-long friendships and one of the most important benefits is the variety of social interaction. Our staff often comment on the impromptu conversations with boarders during an evening as being a highlight of their working week. On a daily basis, boarders have the opportunity to interact with their own peer group, those older and younger than them, different genders and adults. Of particular significance is the cultural diversity within the Houses.

“A thorough programme of induction for boarders and a full programme of social and cultural visits contribute to the creation of a strong boarding community.” ISI inspection report, 2024

The facilities in each House are also exceptional. New Hall is distinctive in offering single study bedrooms from Year 10. All rooms are well-equipped with modern furnishings, WiFi access and a personal desk and noticeboard. The communal spaces are hives of activity both at lunchtime and in the evenings (once homework is complete, of course!). Whether your child enjoys table tennis, pool, chess, board games, cards or games consoles, there is sure to be something to entice them to get involved with their friends.


(Girls, Years 3-11)



(Girls, Years 12-13)



(Boys, Years 3-11)



(Boys, Years 12-13)


Boarding Options at New Hall School

Full Boarding (Years 3-13)

Full Boarding (Years 3-13)

Flexible Boarding (Years 3-13)

Flexible Boarding (Years 3-13)

Next Steps...

For any enquiries regarding admissions at New Hall School,

please contact our Admissions Team:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01245 236 098

Alternatively, to book your place on our next Open Day click the link below.